courtesy: wikipedia
India is one of the most diverse nations. Even though Hindus form close to 82 percent of the population, the Indian Muslims form the second (or third) largest Muslim population in the world. It is home to the holiest shrines of four world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. It is said to be the only country where Zoroastrianism can be practiced freely with no hindrance, even including Dakhma-nashini [1].
Modern India came into existence in 1947 as a secular nation, two of the large sections of India, were partitioned into a new Islamic nation, Pakistan (East Pakstan later became Bangladesh). In Pakistan, the Hindu population declined from 24% to about 1.5%, in Bangladesh the Hindus declined from 39% to 10%. The Muslims in India have increased from 10.3% to 13.4% .. follow the link..
Status of religious freedom in India
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Status of religious freedom in India - II
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: christian, freedom, Hindu, India, Muslim, reality, religion
Status of religious freedom in India - I (continuation of "Freedom")
"Hinduism is more a way of life than a method of worship.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshithaha
If you protect Dharma, Dharma will in turn protect you"
when we read the sentences like this, we feel proud to be a Hindu..
same goes to a muslim or christian..every religion have great sayings like the above and every individual feels proud about their own religion..
those who are not satisfied with their religion, or those who are in a need to change due to the inevitable circumstances will(or)can change their religion from hindu to muslim, etc., etc.,
what my concern here is..
why a religion needs publicity or promotion??
why a religion need to offer benifits to the people for conversion of the religion instead of the conversion on individual's wish??
why a religion can or can not have harmony with other religions??
the sentences that i mentioned in the begining of this article applies to all religions, its a way of living than a method of worship.. nothing else..
including hindus, here i would like to say few words..
** never give publicity**
its a bare truth that everybody has to accept that "hindu societies" always patient(tolerant) to the other religions and always had the harmony with the other religions.. you can read the facts in the coming lines..
just to simplify and make it clear to everyone, let me take few live examples..
sachin tendulkar (or) Mohd.Azharuddin (or) Sunil Gavaskar (or) KapilDev (or) Sir Don Bradmon doesn't need publicity, cause they are the legends in their area
Titanic doesn't need publicity
Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, Google, Yahoo Don't need publicity
Nokia, samsung, Sony don't need publicity
Ferrari, Merc don't need publicity
Myke Tyson don't need publicity
Mahatma gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Carl Marx, Saddam Hussain don't need publicity
charlee chaplin don't need publicity
McDonalds, KFC don't need publicity
watican city, Mecca don't need publicity
by this time you might have understood what i am trying to say..
if the idealogy of our religion is broader and our religion is remarkable in its preachings,
we don't need to give publicity, people they themselves would love to learn about it..
all the above said people and places don't need publicity we all love to learn about them..
now i expect wise answers from some stupid and rich organisations dumping their money into India and other growing countries to convert people into their religion..
now i expect answers from OSAMA for his recent video stating all americans to join Islam..
now i expect answers from some hindu extremist organizations who have a feeling of hatred about other religions..
the more they come and ask other religions to convert, the more they are loosing their ground..
the more they try to promote their religion, they are telling the world how small they are..
no religion taught to "HATE"..
no religion taught to "KILL"..
no religion taught to "CONVERT"..
what we are seeing today is the result of the acts of some oppurtunists.. don't buy their stories..
be what you are..
change your religion if you want to or if you need to..
don't change because of some benefits offering by the organizations..
be proud if you change your religion for being a better human being who knows about two religions instead of one.. some people may talk about your conversion, but you can ask them what do they know about their current religion and what they have done so far for the current religion?? I bet, they cannot answer you.. :) because they have done nothing for their religion and they know nothing.. most of us only know how to close our eyes and wish for something during prayers time and with that we will be thinking that our feelings are deep for our religion..
as you know it is always easy to criticise than appreciate..
a religion which gives freedom of practising the religion is always better than a religion which will try to restrict you for your life time..
a religion can play an important role in a human being's life style and values but life is not just religion.. its just a part of life..
follow the principle "Live and Let the others Live"..
at the end everybody is a human being and one fine day everybody goes six feet under.. In the middle why do you need barriers like religion, race etc.,??
Love a person, Love a nation, Love nature, Love anything, But when it comes to religion, understand your religion but don't build a mad love about your religion.. i hope all the religion extremists will understand this..
and here i would like to add few more words for them who complain about religion extremists as well..
for every action there will be a reaction.. if you slap a small boy, be ready for the return slap in your life.. you may get it anytime..
those who talk about "SHIV SENA", those who talk about "GUJARAT GOVERNMENT's SIDING FOR HINDUS" etc., etc.,
the following lines will tell the facts about the incidents against HINDUS and their Temples.. [interesting, in malaysia they still have this temple issues.. don't think that you are in 21st century, not in malaysia.. visit you can find some valuable articles by Mr.Farish A Nor, a malaysian also.. :)]
you play with hindus feelings in Mumbai, shiv sena was born.. you made Bal thackrey a Great Leader.. now even hindus are saying he is an extremist, but who is the reason behind this?? you burn innocents in a running train in GHODRA, Gujarat consequences came and the next elections have shown the feelings of the country.. you break temples, you break statues of Lord Buddha,
Here one should understand this "YOU" refers to who.. i don't mind if every muslim put himself at this place.. but its not my fault, its all depends on your wisdom towards the truth and religion..
thara singh from rajasthan should be punished, but what made him to do that?? who asked 'YOU' to come to my country and convert my people..
what are the benefits that they have got in LIFE after conversion.. don't talk about materialistic benefits like few thousand rupees for conversion..
the only answer i can give is "LOOK AT YOUR BACK AND CORRECT YOURSELF, THEN TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR RELIGION" Hindus are not exceptional here.. i am talking whoever it is..
If i marry a muslim and she wants me to convert for her, i can and i would love do that..
If i marry a christian and she wants me to convert for her, i can and i would love do that..
and i only like to debate with the people who can do such.. (not only for ur wife, for any of ur personal reasons.. n from any religion to any religion..)
those who can not do, are still hanging to a tree of religion, they can hang there and enjoy..
India Never called tourists from the world saying "Truly Asia" or any other thing... People come on their own for its well known culture..
India never encouraged any single religion, it is open for all and all religions have equal rights.. (more for minorities)
If somebody want to comment on Hindusim,
let me answer as a HINDU,
"Hinduism" is like an ocean..
Its too deep to understand for a normal human being in his life time.. where is the oppurtunity to criticise it when don't even know the full meaning..
This ocean can take in how many other rivers also, and taking out few waters from this ocean can never make this ocean to dry..
This Ocean never asks the rivers and canals to come and join and it wont complain if its water is being removed and used in some other form..
Its existence is forever and one cannot change it..
The wealth of knowledge this ocean gives you depends on howmuch you can extract from it, there is no limit..
The more it has been evaporated by external factors, the more it will be filled in back with fresh waters without any effort..
Those leaving it thinking the waters are salty will sent back to the same for the same reason..
and i wish to hear every religion say proudly about their religion the same way as long as they have tolerance for other religions..
the day we don't have it.. howmuch we sing our religion song also, forever we will be there where we are..
And finally...
to the morons who are trying to bring communal riots in india.. (may be you are DAWOOD, may be you are OSAMA, may be you are MUSHAROFF, may be you are BUSH or may be you are any Hindu Extremist thinking that you are the only true hindu)
"Don't try to play with INDIA@HINDUSTHAN, our waters are more than enuf to sink you and your whole bloody rationalsim to the deepest.. I promise you, you will never return again"
Don't ever try to take the advantage of the Patience of India..
the day it opens its third eye, all you oppurtunists are no more..
"And i request all who condemn my usage of Hindusthan in the above lines to leave my country on the spot without any demands, because that is what India is from the day it got independence..those who can not accept it, please find USA, UK, Pakistan, bangladesh or some other country according to your convenience. Thank you for staying with us all this while, but it is always better to stay where you feel your home is instead of staying in the neighbour's house and thinking about home and singing your family song"
"as i said in earlier blog..
national anthem is for indians, not for muslims, hindus, christians, sikhs, parsis or for any single religion..
the idea of it is not to rub our ideas on others, but to bring in a feeling of a new religion called "INDIAN"..
"Hindusthan: is me dil bhee hai our dum bhee"
Posted by
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: christian, Christianity, freedom, Hindu, hinduism, hindusthan, Independence, India, Islam, janaganamana, Muslim, race, racism, reality, religion, social responsibility, vande maataram
"FREEDOM" is the undefined dictionary synonym for a human being's life in "INDIA"..
we love freedom and we are enjoying this more than any other country citizens..
what if this "FREEDOM" cross the limits??
for RELIGION, we have freedom
for faith, we have freedom
for marriage, for place of living, for supporting a political party, for conducting an agitation, to express support to any organisation, may be many are missing here due to my hurry in finishing this long pending topic, but on top of all, in india we have "FREEDOM OF SPEECH".. an young journalist can send a government to ashes if he can prove the scams of the government or if he can prove the government is totally inefficient in its administration.. that is the power of freedom we have where we can not find in many other countries..
but most of the recent issues need our concern.. specially the misuse of freedom or misuse of authority..
let me talk about the authority first.. come to my state, the first state of India that starts alphabetically, "ANDHRA PRADESH".. we would have been in the same position in terms of development also if the earlier government continued ruling the present tenure.. now what was happening exactly is people are scared to open and read the news paper early in the morning, cause it will screw up your mood totally, same thing goes in the night.. :) who want nightmares because of reading a news paper before going to sleep??
just look at the recent incidents followed one after one in the state:
*** politicians do land grabbing @ land mafia..
*** sons/daughters of prominent people misue their parents power (like the parent like the children.. why only these fellows can commit such kinda acts? cause their parents are in power.. 3 to 4 recent news in the paper will tell you who are they and what they did..)
*** collapsed fly-overs
*** bomb blasts in a mosque
*** serial bomb blasts in the city HYDERABAD
*** divide and rule nature of the politicians ( i need telangana, i need rayala seema, i need kosta... bloody hell, you all need your power.. have you ever think of what people need??.. we have some politicians who need seperate state, talk like an illeterate fellow and use his mouth to say any kinda words just to rage up the people's feelings)
*** you need education, we need business (private and corporate educational institutes sucking the blood and sweat of parents.. also mainly under the binami names but the actual investors will be some big shot politicians)
*** my adorable brothers from forest executing bomb blasts on the leaders who enforced strict rules against them during the ruling ( these brothers don't have any other better things to do a??)
*** gang rape on tribal ladies
*** demolition of ramoji film city
*** murders by factionists to eliminate the opposition from the root in their area.. (building strong basement for future elections?? :) )
*** Lease of mines and the continuos stories
*** ministers signing the documents without reading it.. (Can't they read?? or no time to read?? god only knows..)
there is no end to this list, by the time i am writing here, don't know with which new story the news paper printing sections are busy with.. all the above said are due to misusing the authority and power..
now lets talk about misusing the "FREEDOM"..
our country gave freedom to us to choose whatever religion or faith that we want to follow.. whomever we want to get marry with.. whatever political party we want to join etc., etc., until it become like "INDIA - FREEDOM EVERYWHERE"..
so some of the anti social elements taking advantage of the above said word with the help of above said people (who misuse the authority, we can add them also into this anti social groups) and trying to create disturbances in the harmony of our lives, trying to play with our peace, trying to play with our growth, in a word these B*****Ds are playing with our lives..
few reasons that i can see for the formation of these anti social elements especially from some religions are:
[not that we have no other reasons or religions involved.. everybody is involved here, but some i can see as a normal observer of the society.. the more reasons you find, pls send to me.. let us add here to voice out all kind of issues that are causing these troubles, NO? u want to take it negatively.. want to see my end for expressing my views.. "WELCOME" :)]
*** they have their own rules (don't know which gentleman set these rules, but in my opinion, there should not be any special rules for any body.. all indians are same.. enforce the same rule for all.. if my law says i can marry howmany i wish, what i'll do?? ofcourse i will marry four or five.. then what i'll do?? i'll produce six to seven children from each family(cause i don't believe in family planning), then what i'll do?? already produced around 24 new lives and my income can only can cater the needs of 3 or 4,.. now what to do?? leave them on their own.. what else i can do.. so now what they will do?? God Knows.. play n freak on the roads.. get in touch with few other fellows of same kind.. start street level anti social activities for few rupees.. slowly become higher level anti social elements (Promotion maaaaa.. u donno a??).. now i complain, my children become worst, they are not listening to me.. please scold me.. "bloodyfool, which son or daughter will listen to a parent who can do nothing for them??".. ya, i am sorry.. now only i realised.. i am useless, produced two cricket teams in my life time with my sexual ability but these teams will never play cricket for the country, they will play with balls called BOMBS and they will play this for the neighbouring countries.. Wah.. INDIA.. Wah.. what a freedom you have given me..
noone is special, our religion is one religion.. "INDIAN".. (don't say its not a religion, it can be..) from the day we got independence, we amended many rules and many definitions.. why can't we amend "DEMOCRACY" a bit to make the above law and why can't we amend "RELIGION" a bit to form the above "RELIGION"??
[[[otherwise people like OSAMA will be releasing few more videos asking people to convert their religions... :) OSAMA should remember that he can not be a great leader like "SADDAM HUSSAIN".. there will be always a difference between an elephant and a ### .. ### can never be the elephant.. same goes to OSAMA, he can never be a "SADDAM"..]]]
we know some religions imposing or trying to get people converted into their religions by offering benefits.. :)
btw.. one more recent news,
*** Painting nude pics of other religion GODS.. (all my admiration has gone.. this old fellow have nothing else to paint aa?)
other major reasons that we can see can cause the formation of these anti social elements are..
*** illiteracy
*** corruption
*** politics
*** poverty etc., etc.,
we also have leaders who send the files of terrorists for MERCY, which again leads to "FREEDOM".. :) Do they know the difference between a crime against an individual and a crime against the society or country?? If they know, they wont send the files for "MERCY".. who knows the leaders who are doing such, may come under the same category but with "White Collared Crimes" and always need the support from these anti social elements.. leaders or terrorists or heroes or heroines, country should teach us that there is no one special under the umbrella of LAW when it comes to the cost of the Country..
We Indians can live without any thing, but can not survive without "FREEDOM" :) so, rules should be made and enforced in such a way that one commits a crime against the country can never have one's freedom again in the lifetime.. Just do it and see, we definitely can see the drop of crimes against country.. (no more freedom for those: who are involved in fake currency, who are involved in drugs, who are involved in illegal ammunition, who are involved in forcing to do prostitution, who are involved in land mafia, who are invloved in low quality constructions, who are involved in extortion, who are involved in lending money for high interests, Mainly WHO ARE INVOLVED IN UNDER TABLE COLLECTIONS.. :) how many of the officers are really counting the bars now that we read about them for the last few years for having enormous wealth which they earned under tables??.. may be now they dont have job.. but they have money n "FREEDOM".. they might be preparing now for new crimes or to join politics.. :)
please read the next blog and find some of the good and bad things(ofcourse interesting) in "Status of religious freedom in India:"..
Posted by
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: andhra, close to reality, freedom, India, politics, reality, religion, social responsibility
Bihar proved it again - II
Happened again.. A better education leads to better civilization.. hope efforts will be made to bring up humanitarian values in this stone-aged state.. Sorry to say this, but that is what they are proving to the world again and again.. pls go through the following..
NDTV Correspondent
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 (Newada)A mob tortured and pierced the eyes of three teenagers who stole a motorcycle at gunpoint at a village in Nawada Monday evening.
The mob was waiting for the alleged thieves after their victim complained to the village elders.
The crowd dragged the three off the bike and beat them up before piercing their eyes with a sharp tool.
''I don't have any past police record. This is the first time I have stolen something. But in the past I have been jailed in another case,'' said Pinku.
''This man has a criminal record. He was involved in a car theft case. He is a wanted criminal. Even the other one has been to jail. All these are friends and were together when this happened,'' said Laxmikant, Sub-Inspector, Buniyadpur Thana.
Only days ago a man was brutalised by a crowd in Bhagalpur and dragged by a policeman riding a bike.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: bihar, brutality, civilization, India, reality, social responsibility